Research Projects
TTFN Project
The goals of the Trans Teen and Family Narratives Project are to 1) examine how the family environment affects the health and wellbeing of transgender and nonbinary youth, and 2) develop a family-level intervention to support families with transgender and nonbinary youth.
SO*FLY Study
The goal of the Sexual Orientation Fluidity in Youth Study is to examine how best to measure changes in sexual orientation identity and attractions over time among adolescents and young adults.
GeMPIRe Study
The goal of the Gender Minority Prejudice, Intersectionality, Resilience Study is to examine how prejudice experienced in school, healthcare, and family settings is linked to mental health and substance use among transgender and nonbinary young adults with intersecting sexual orientation and racial/ethnic identities.
The goal of the Growing Up Trans Study International is to examine the experiences of families with transgender and nonbinary prepubertal youth seeking gender-affirming care across six countries.