TTFN Project

 Trans Teen and Family Narratives Project

Research Team

Staff & Trainees


Scientific Advisory Board

Community Partners

The goals of the TTFN Project are to 1) examine how the family environment affects the health and wellbeing of transgender and nonbinary youth, and 2) develop a family-level intervention to support families with transgender and nonbinary youth.


The TTFN Project is funded by a K99R00 grant from NIH and a grant from the Boston Children’s Hospital Aerosmith Endowment Fund for Prevention and Treatment of AIDS and HIV Infections, both awarded to Dr. Katz-Wise. 

Current Status

We have finished data collection and intervention development and are continuing to analyze data and write manuscripts. 

If you are interested in collaborating on a project using data from the TTFN Project, please visit this page.

More About the TTFN Project

TTFN Longitudinal Study

The TTFN Project began with a 2-year longitudinal mixed methods study of transgender and nonbinary teens and their families. 

TTFN Intervention Development

Based on findings from the TTFN Longitudinal Study, the team created the TTFN Conversation Toolkit, an online toolkit to support families with transgender and nonbinary teens in having conversations about the teen’s gender identity. The team pilot tested the toolkit with transgender and nonbinary teens and their families. 

Our team developed the TTFN Conversation Toolkit, a family-level intervention to support families with transgender and nonbinary youth. The toolkit includes digital stories created by transgender and nonbinary youth about their family experiences and discussion guides to help families have conversations about gender. The toolkit can be used by families with transgender and nonbinary youth on their own or with the support of a mental health provider.

Check out this publicly available resource!

Research Summaries

Our team is committed to sharing findings from our research with community members through brief non-academic summaries of the academic papers we've published.

TTFN Sibling Summary 2024.pdf

Experiences of Cisgender Youth with a Transgender and/or Nonbinary Sibling

TTFN Longitudinal Family Functioning 2024.pdf

Longitudinal Family Functioning and Mental Health in Trans Youth and Their Families

TTFN Fam and Comm Exper of TNB Youth_FINAL.pdf

Family and Community Experiences of Transgender and/or Nonbinary Youth

TTFN FamBuilding Summary_FINAL.pdf

Fertility and Family Building Desires of Trans Teens

TTFN Politics Summary_FINAL.pdf

Brief Report: TTFN Politics

TTFN W1 Quant Fam Func MH Summary_FINAL.pdf

Family Functioning and Mental Health of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Youth 

TTFN W 1-5 FamFunct_20210808_FINAL.pdf

A Longitudinal Analysis of Family Functioning and Mental Health in Transgender Youth and Families

TTFN Sibling Summary_FINAL.pdf

Experiences of Adolescent and Young Adult Siblings of Transgender and/or Nonbinary Youth

Academic Articles

We have published many academic journal articles using data from the TTFN Project. If you would like to read any of the papers listed below and do not have access, please contact us with the paper title and we can send you the PDF.

We have additional articles in progress so please check back.

(From Newest to Oldest)